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What is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are the chemicals that mainly act as a messenger and take messages from blood to different organs, tissues, skin and muscles and coordinate various crucial functions of the body. So, an issue in it could lead to problems in various life functions.

Hormonal imbalance means your body has imbalance in the secretions of some hormones, either the secretion is excess than it is actually needed or it is too less than the need.

If we talk about women’s bodies particularly, it goes through hormonal fluctuations a lot during her menstrual cycle every month, but it has its own measured hormonal balance and a little above or below it is considerable.

However, if the fluctuations are too much and the imbalance is a lot, it becomes a serious issue as it causes various problems in the female’s body.

Some observable symptoms of hormonal imbalance are: Irregular periods, sudden weight loss of gain, anxiety, acne, hair loss, fatigue, mood swings, hair growth on face, etc. All of this does happen normally too but sometimes only but if all these symptoms occur too often or on a regular basis, it is time for you to get yourself checked.

What Are Some Issues Caused by Hormonal Imbalance in females?

  • A female might suffer from Obesity or may get underweight.
  • Thyroid gland gets affected if the body is not hormonally balanced.
  • Infertility also happens as no regular periods and hormone disruption causes disorders like PCOS and PCOD.
  • Diabetes
  • Constipation on a regular basis could happen due to problems in food digestion.
  • Depression or anxiety or some other mental issues could also happen
  • Increase in cholesterol levels
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal Atrophy- Inflammation, irritation, pain or itching on the vagina due to thinning of the lining of tissues on it.

How to Cure the Imbalance in the Hormonal cycle?

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet plays a huge role in keeping your body functions and hormones in check. Some nutrients like Folic Acid, Iron, Omega- 3, Fatty Acids, etc., are all very important to be there on your diet to ensure a healthy hormonal cycle.

Regular Exercise

Performing some yoga poses, exercising regularly or doing some other physical activities to keep your body active and working, will help to balance both weight gain and hormones.

Stress Management

Stress is one of the main causes of hormonal disbalance in females. In today’s busy and competitive life, there is so much space for stress but almost nop space to calm down and relax.

Giving yourself time to relax and do some hobbies that you enjoy and tackle no pressure on will help to reduce the stress levels.


Eating foods that have natural plant based oestrogen, will help you to balance the levels of oestrogen in your body.

Items like Soy, Flax seeds, Legumes, etc., have natural plant oestrogen in them.

Sleep Cycle

Your Sleep cycle plays a big role in your overall health. Taking 8 hours of complete sleep could help you to maintain your hormonal balance.

Also, be mindful of sleeping on time and waking up on time.

Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors

There are chemicals in almost every other thing. It is hard to get zero exposure to them, but preventing the exposure is necessary because they play a huge role in disturbance in body functions.

Try to reduce exposure to chemicals present in plastics, pesticides, and personal care products.


Sometimes the hormonal imbalance is too much that a person may feel too much mentally stressed or get depressed or anxious. In this, a therapy session with a trustworthy psychologist could help a person suffering from the issue a lot.

Remember, you are mentally ill is not the reason you are seeing a mental health doctor. You just want to live with more ease that is why you are seeking help from a psychologist. So, don’t feel embarrassed or shameful and book an appointment if you are in need of it.


One thing to keep in mind is that it is very important to take consultation from a specialist or and professional; doctor whenever you start noticing so many issues in your body. Yes it is good to take care of yourself but sometimes we ourselves don’t understand what our body’s going through and what it actually needs. So, at that time taking help from a professional could actually be the most right thing you can do to help your body.

Who To Consult When Facing the Problem of Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance is the problem of endocrine issues and their functioning so, the doctor who specialises in this area of medical concerns is an Endocrinologist.

It is very necessary to get consultation from a well knowledged, experienced and trustworthy doctor when you face such a problem. For this we are here to suggest you a highly skillful endocrinologist.

To know more- Endocrinologist Brisbane