One of the most vital organs of a human body, pancreas, located in the abdomen region plays crucial role in many of the biochemical process of the body by secreting:-
- Amylase that helps in carbohydrates breakdown
- Lipase that dissolves fats
- Trypsin and chymotrypsin that helps with protein digestion
- And insulin that helps in regulating the storage and utilization of glucose in cells for energy.
Pancreas protection, care and damage prevention is necessary in order to avoid health issues such as acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain, pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
Pancreatitis: The Most Common Health Problem Related to Pancreas-
Pancreatitis is a health problem related to pancreas where the tissues of the pancreas get inflamed. It varies in three stages including acute pancreatitis, severe pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. The treatment and survival rate also varies with the type of pancreatitis the person is diagnosed with.
There are many causes of pancreatitis, among which gallstones and heavy drinking are the major causes.
Exercise and Yoga: How to Improve Pancreatic Health by Being Physically Active-
Researchers and various case studies have shown that some light exercises and yoga asanas are effective in controlling the symptoms of pancreatitis and reducing the complications and health difficulties that pancreatitis causes. Also, there are some asanas that are proven to improve pancreatic health and condition.
So, today we are going to share some yoga poses and simple exercises that are effective to improve the health of a person;s pancreas and the working of it.
Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose
This pose is done by kneeling on the floor while touching your knees together in front and two big toes in the back under your hips. Both the hands are then put over the knees in front and the shoulders and the neck should be straight and in the right posture. Stay in this position for a comfortable duration.
This is the only yoga posture that can be done after a meal and is even good for digesting the meal taken. The pose helps with increasing blood flow in many of the digestive organs like stomach, intestine and pancreas. It also aids the pancreas in secreting digestive juices that facilitate the breakdown of food.
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
This asana starts with laying straight on the floor on the stomach, keeping the hands and feet together and attached to the body. Then, bend the feet upwards and bring them close to the hips. Now, bring the hands towards the feet and hold them firmly. Your pose will be somewhat like a boat.
This asanas massages all the abdominal organs and improves the working and condition of the entire digestive system. It stimulates the secretion of various organs and enzymes, thus improves the functionality of pancreas and various glands.
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose
The asana is done by sitting on the floor while keeping the legs straight in front. Keep the spine and shoulders straight. Now, the person needs to reach their toes by stretching and bringing their hands in front. Hold the posture as long as possible.
This pose is a great asana for stretching, relieving stress and stimulating organs such as the lungs, kidney, pancreas and liver.
Cobra Poses
This involves laying on the floor on the stomach. Then bringing the hands to the chest, the person needs to raise above with the support of the hands , keeping the lower body stuck to the floor and the back arched upwards.
The pose helps with many benefits like Improves posture, Reduces back pain, Improves circulation, Stimulates abdominal organs, Relieves menstrual discomfort, etc.
Doing minimal stretches and keeping the body active not only helps with weight management but also improves various metabolic activities in the body like digestion, healing, growth, breakdown of nutrients, etc.
Preparation: How to Start Your Yoga Routine-
It is always great to start working on something with proper knowledge, environment and preparation. So, starting your yoga routine also needs a proper initial preparation like:-
Make sure you wear proper clothing that will not hold you back from stretching [properly and will under the poses. Also, try to wear something light and should not irritate the skin when it sweats and gets heated.
Keeping yourself hydrated all day long and also before starting your yoga regimen as a physical activity leads to elimination of water from the body and thus can lead to dehydration.
Make sure you are in a comfortable and peaceful environment where you are exercising to feel calm and concentrated in what you are doing.
Breath and Clamness
Deep and mindful breathing are one of the elements of yoga poses. Be slow, keep your mind calm and don’t hurry with the poses. Slow and steady yoga is what will give you the maximum benefits.