If you have had enough children or don’t wish to become a parent then the vasectomy procedure is for you. It is a popular procedure done for birth control in males. Vasectomy is a permanent birth control option for men and many individuals have found this as a successful technique.
A vasectomy procedure is more reliable and effective than any other method for birth control. It is easier and cheaper. Still, with so many benefits and success rates, there is a minimal number of cases in which vasectomies can fail.
Before you have a vasectomy you must ask your healthcare provider for a detailed explanation of the procedure and its failure.
How Is A Vasectomy Performed?
The vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and sealing the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. The method may include the following steps:
- At first, you will be provided with anaesthesia. The scrotum is numbed with local anaesthesia.
- You will prepare for the procedure. Any jewellery or clothing that might bring difficulties in performing the procedure will be removed.
- Empty your bladder and your healthcare provider will say to lie on your back on an examination table.
- The healthcare professional will make a small cut in the scrotum, locate the vas deferens, cut it, and tie or clip it off.
- The ends of the vas deferens will be sealed with stitches, and the incision will be closed with stitches or glue.
How Safe And Effective Is Vasectomy Surgery?
A vasectomy is highly effective and safe if done by a professional healthcare provider. It is considered one of the most reliable forms of birth control, with a success rate of over 99%. However, it takes about three months for the procedure to come into effect. Your healthcare provider will call for the sperm test to confirm that no sperm is present in the ejaculate.
Vasectomy is generally safe and most men find it safe and effective. Its minimal side effects may involve temporary pain, swelling or bruising, which typically gets better in a few days. Serious complications like infection or injury are rare and your healthcare professional will help deal.
Although the vasectomy procedure is permanent, some men change their minds and come for vasectomy reversal. Reversals are successfully done and you can experience parenthood but sometimes reversals don’t succeed. There are some factors like age, surgeon’s experience, type of vasectomy done and fluid from the vas deferenes that affect the vasectomy reversal success rate.
Is It Possible That Vasectomy Surgery Fail?
Yes, a vasectomy surgery may fail. Here is how:
Early Failure
Early failure is a situation where vasectomy does not work immediately after the procedure. The reason behind this is that sperm is still present in the vas deferens even though the tubes are cut or sealed. It typically takes three months to clear the sperm. During this time, if you don’t use protection it can result in pregnancy.
Late Failure
Late failure is mostly rare and happens months or years after the procedure. It happens when the two cut ends of the vas deferens reconnect. The reconnection can lead to the possibility of the pregnancy.
Overall Failure Rate
The overall failure rate of the vasectomy is less than 1%. This includes both, early and late failures. The vast majority of men have experienced effective results and permanent solutions for birth control. Follow-up appointments should be attended so that your healthcare provider keeps a keen eye on your situation.
Is It Possible To Have Vasectomy Done After A Failure Of The First One?
Yes, if your first vasectomy procedure failed a vasectomy can be redone. The repeat procedure will be similar to the original and can often be done without needles or a scalpel.
A healthcare specialist will perform a semen analysis to confirm if the vasectomy failed. If they find it is, then the professional will perform the second vasectomy. The year gap of the first procedure, the age of the partner and the health of the sperm may affect the second procedure’s results.
You need a specialised surgeon who can ensure the best results for you and have fewer complications during the procedure.
Vasectomy is a highly safe and effective procedure for those who are looking for a permanent solution for birth control. An experienced surgeon will ensure the safety and effectiveness.
Although vasectomy is permanent, a chance of failure is there. Some people who don’t support follow-up appointments or instruction might feel more complications in results and fewer men now have experienced failure. Make sure you choose a specialised surgeon to perform the vasectomy procedure or the reversal.